Thursday, February 9, 2012

Exhausted, but great swim!

Another super busy week at work, I am not used to this!! The last two days have been 12 and 11 1/2 hour days! But, it has still been a good week :-)

Yesterday I was able to get a bike workout in at the gym. I had to use the other bike, which I haven't used before, so I was not as familiar with the settings. It said I only went for 4 miles, when the other bike says I go for 7 miles, I am a little confused about that! I also did arms, which I am feeling today! I added in a machine while I was waiting for a bench and apparently those muscles haven't been worked in a while :-)

I then gave blood at work yesterday, so I think that has a lot to do with why I am so exhausted! I have been drinking lots of fluids, but still wipes you out! I was in bed super early last night - I actually fell asleep with my contacts in because I fell asleep so quickly...that never happens.

The calorie counting this week has been going great too, actually. I have stuck to the same meals pretty much every day - but luckily I don't mind that :-) I had yummy stuffed peppers most of the week that AA and I made on Monday. Then this morning I threw frozen vegetables, a boneless chicken breast and some broth in to the crock pot! It was a healthy and easy meal before my swim tonight!

I went in to the gym before work this AM because I had a doctors appointment during the day and did not want to miss too much work! I was exhausted. I only did 25 minutes on the elliptical and didn't even have any energy to do abs or leg machines. I figured that was OK because obviously I was tired, and sometimes you just don't feel like it!

After work, I didn't have much time to think about going or not going to swimming since I was short on time and lap swim ends at 8. I was second guessing my decision a little, but was happy to see the pool was pretty much empty, only 1 person per lane. I started out doing 4 length sets and resting. I am breathing pretty hard and count to about 20 and then continue. I felt OK, I could tell I was a little tired, but definitely still felt good and did not want to stop. I was only aiming for 30 lengths. After 20, I decided to slow it down a little and see how it felt. I ended up doing 10 lengths without stopping!! I take about 3 seconds as I turn around - but I think I would rather focus on my endurance and form rather than my speed. After the 30 laps it had only been 20ish minutes (when I first started it took me 30!) so I decided to go a few more. I honestly can't remember if I went 4 or 6 is really hard to keep count! But I was very happy with my swim for tonight - and the fact I went through with it anyways.

As I mentioned I went back to the doctors today. I have peroneal tendonitis. He also mentioned you can get shin splits on the outside of your leg, where the muscle comes apart from the bone. He recommended physical therapy to strengthen the muscle and get a better recovery plan. He took a 3D scan of the bottom of my feet for inserts for my shoes. I can pick those up in 10ish days and then go get new shoes. He said my running shoes were too stiff and I need shock absorbing ones. I pronate to the outside of my foot, so the insert will help me land flat. I still am having pain, so he said to keep off of it until it is feeling better. I guess it just came down to overuse, and that muscle wasn't strong enough for all the stress I was putting on it.

Tomorrow is Friday which I am excited about! Two friends from Hartford are in town, staying with another friend, so we are going to an Avalanche game tomorrow, and then Aaron has the night off so he can meet up with us! Not much else planned for the weekend. Maybe skiing Saturday - or might take it easy. AA also has Saturday night off so I feel spoiled :-) Hopefully a bike workout tomorrow! 

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